Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rollercoaster Ride

I guess I've never really understood the term "a rollercoaster of emotions" before, but I sure know what that means now!!! One day good news, the next day, not so good. So yesterday was one of those "not so good-news days". We've been informed by our agency that our international fee is going to increase by a significant amount and that it is going to be due sooner than we thought it would be. YIKES!!! How are we going to do this? Only God knows, and I mean that literally. I have to believe that He is going to provide whatever we need to get our son home. That is the bottom line. How am I going to keep waiting, without hearing anything? How are we going to pay for this? How much longer is this going to be? I don't have the first clue what the answer to any of these questions are, so I am going to keep trusting in the One who does and already has it all worked out for us! Please pray with us that we would keep the faith and that it will all come together exactly how it should!


tiredofstupidity said...

Should I sell my kidney? It should be worth at least a few bucks.

Kim McMullen said...

Jaimie, that is a roller coaster. I am praying for you guys. Once he is here the wait and the roller coaster will all be worth it. Thanks for the update!